Actor and singer Kim Jeong Hoon recently showed off his beautiful appearance. On February 15, a jacket photo for Kim’s single Love of Spring, which will be released on April 3, was released on his Japanese fansite.
On February 15, a jacket photo for Kim’s single Love of Spring, which will be released on April 3, was released on his Japanese fansite. The single is from his Japanese EP.
In the photo, Kim is looking at someone with his emotional eyes while wearing a white cardigan. Cherry blossoms make him look like a handsome cartoon character.
Kim started performing as a Hallyu star by going on an Asian tour.
He held the ‘Mobius Strip’ in two Korean cities, six Japanese cities, three cities in Chinese-speaking countries, and two cities in East Asia.
Kim will start shooting the movie Wild Dogs on February 20.
Source: Starnews
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